Learning Support

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Dianda Learning Support Center in Cauchi Hall

In 1991 the National Congress on Catholic Schools encouraged all Catholic school educators to open their minds and hearts and doors to an increasingly diverse world. 

As a result, the Diocese of Oakland believes that Catholic Schools must be inclusive to reflect the principles of the Roman Catholic faith.  The task of the schools is to identify and develop these gifts where they are appreciated and shared and where diversity is celebrated.  The Learning Support program offerings at each school site are determined by the resources available.

A Learning Support Program at St. Agnes School has been in existence since 2003 and continues to evolve. Currently, as a team, we support the curricular program, provide screening as appropriate, recommend accommodations, manage the SST process, schedule intervention as needed, facilitate communication between parents, teachers, students, medical and educational professionals, and function as advocates for students identified with special needs.

When a student’s learning needs require additional understanding and clarification, the Learning Support teachers will coordinate a Student Success Team Meeting (SST). The SST process enables classroom teachers, learning support teachers and parents the opportunity to identify student strengths and areas of challenge and establish an action plan. The action plan will provide direction for the next steps in meeting the learning needs of the student.

Fairness in education does not mean all are treated the same. To educate students fairly sometimes means teaching them differently. Fairness means giving students equal access to a quality education, not doing everything in exactly the same way as everyone else. – Carol Ann Tomlinson.


Learning Support teachers:

Patricia McDonald: pmcdonald@csdo.org

Jennifer Miner:  jminer@csdo.org

Please print out a copy of the Study Skills provided here, and use it to help you with all of your assignments. 

 Study Skills »

Types of Learners –  The following link directs you to a test which allows students to answer questions and determine what type of learner the student is: http://www.educationplanner.org/students/self-assessments/learning-styles.shtml.  

Refer to the document in the right-hand column for a description of Types of Learners.

Types of Learners »
mnemonics section is included here, through the link in the right-hand column.  These mnemonics tricks are invaluable in our fact-filled world.

 Mnemonic Tricks »
We are posting here for your convenience instructions for using our Afternoon Log, followed by the Afternoon Log sheet.  This is a useful tool to help students build time management skills.  

Afternoon Log Instructions »
Afternoon Log »